

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Five Minute Update, 14 October 2014

This morning has been full since school drop-off, including a brisk walk with a friend and a rehearsal with another friend for a wedding gig this weekend.  My thought had been to hit the grocery store after rehearsal before having to turn around and pick up the boys from school--you know it's time for a grocery run when you don't have bread, milk, tortillas, or microwave popcorn--but I was having such a good time singing and chatting with my friend that shopping will have to wait.  (I had two microwaved hot dogs--bunless--for lunch.  Don't judge.)

So with the 25 minutes or so I have left, I thought I'd pop in and post some updates!  Yesterday I realized I didn't write a single post in September, which I will attribute to the following reasons:
  1. I've been working my bum off during my morning kidless times on home projects (posts about those to follow)
  2. those projects and life in general tire me out, so I spend the kids' afternoon video game time napping (don't judge)
  3. with G in 4th grade and Z in 1st, post-dinner times are filled with homeschool work
  4. by time the boys are in bed, Jay and I want time together, and I'm too brain-dead to write anyway
  5. I feel insecure writing about my home improvement projects because I'm not a famous home blogger a la "Young House Love"
But I miss writing and I am pretty excited to share what I've been working on around here.  So check in over the next day or seven as I get this thing updated!  :-)

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