

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Thanksgiving, 13 May 2012

Today is Mother's Day, but I think I'll rename it Thanksgiving Day for this year.  There are several things I'd like to express thankfulness for.

The first is you!  Yesterday I glanced at my all-time page view count and saw that it had reached 1000 views!  I know that doesn't mean 1000 people have ventured onto the site, and it does include a number of my own views, but for a first-time blogger, 1000 seems pretty sweet.  :-)  So thank you for being part of my sharing.  I don't even know all of your names, but I want you to know that I'm humbled and challenged by your readership.

Big sloppy hug.  Or maybe just a wave, for those of you who may be a bit intimidated by hugs.

The next Thank You is to my kids.  Through some coaching from their daddy (who had been assured ahead of time that being celebrated by my children was important to me), I received lots and lots of hugs and these drawings, each depicting something I do to make them feel special.

Here is Z's picture:

He explained to me that this was my garden, and that these are mushrooms, but not bad mushrooms--yummy mushrooms with grapes growing on them that we can eat.  I'm not totally clear on his thought process for this, but I'm thinking he's proud of me for growing a garden.  (?)

G drew two pictures:

The picture with the two people in it shows Mommy handing G a soda, which makes him feel loved.  He proudly pointed out that he drew earrings on me.  Not sure why I don't have hair, but then again, neither does his figure.  I think the earrings are cool.  And I melt at the heart.

Then next person I'd like to express gratitude toward is my dear Jay.  I'll express my deep gratitude for his friendship, support, and love to him privately (ahem), but here I want to say thank you for this fruit basket!
This is unlike any fruit basket I've ever seen.  Italian fruit juice in the center, and then fruit-filled Toblerone, dark raspberry- and orange-chocolate from Godiva, a tropical trail mix, chocolate-covered blueberries, and three different yummo jams.  No more apples for me!

Thank You number four is to my mom.  This is the third Mother's Day without her, and I think I'm used to not being able to pick up the phone and call her now, but I still miss her like crazy.  She taught me soooo many practical skills, but she also taught me the importance of paying attention to people.  Without her reminders of that, I'd probably just be a big bad bossy person--getting jobs done but bulldozing over the people in my path.

And the last Thank You of today is to my mother-in-law.  This is my first Mother's Day without her.  I hate it.  Hate, hate, hate it.  Because she lived closer by than my mom, we usually spent part of the day with her.  And for the last two years, she gave me sweet sympathy cards, knowing how much I missed my mom.

Today, Jay took the kids to church and let me have some space to myself.  (I couldn't handle the idea of going somewhere where people would smile at me.)  Looking through a drawer, I found a spa gift certificate from his mom, given to me on my birthday last fall.  When she gave it to me, she grinned and suggested we go together sometime.  She died before we were able to.

Because of that, I just hadn't felt like I was up to using the certificate.  But today it felt right.

So thank you, Mom-in-Law, for the delicious pedicure and for being such a caring, loving presence in my life.  I love you.

P.S. I was hoping I wouldn't have a chatty pedicurist today, but the first thing she did was ask if I had fun plans for the day.  I politely said it was a sad day for me, hoping that would be the end of it.  But no, she had to ask me why it was sad.  Fine.  I told her, "I've lost both my moms."  Her eyes got super big, she mumbled something about being so sorry, and didn't say much the rest of the appointment--which is exactly what I wanted anyway!  :-p

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