

Friday, April 13, 2012

Realities, 13 April 2012

Here's a rundown of reality from today.

Was awake from 3-5 a.m. for no good reason, but the kids slept all the way until 8:00, so that was wonderful!

Got up slowly and made zucchini muffins (for a cute story about that, look at today's date on the Kid Stories page).

Did some dishes and a little worksheet-homeschooling and watched two other little boys during a friend's doctor appointment.

Took a walk with said boys and said friend, fed everyone lunch (leftovers are tasty and easy), then gave my friend the rest of the afternoon off.  She has a newborn and needed it, and the four boys were having a blast.

Folded some laundry, read a book to the kids, and took a little nap (the two littlest boys did too).

Fed everyone a snack and built a Duplo city together on the living room floor.  Had to put out a couple fires (figuratively) when the 2.5 year old and the 3.5 year old were squabbling over who got to be fireman and knock the plastic fire piece down with the plastic axe, but all was resolved amicably.

Handed the four boys over to their respective daddies, did a couple quick errands, and went to dinner with some gal friends.

Came home, put on pjs, cuddled up with my computer, had a phone conversation or two, and got read for bed.

And,  off-and-on all day, felt sadness remembering that today is my mother-in-law's birthday, and it's the first one she hasn't been on earth for.  "Firsts" are no fun.  I also saw an advertisement for some Mother's Day something and immediately felt sick in the pit of my stomach.  But Mother's Day isn't today, so I'm not going to fret over it now.

Today was a day of missing a mom who's not here with us, and a day of helping a mom who is here, and a day of enjoying being a mom myself.  And that's all part of my reality!

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