

Monday, April 2, 2012

Normal, 02 April 2012

Today was mostly a normal day, thank goodness.

Now that's actually a complex statement, because when I say "normal," I mean "nothing unexpected happened," and when I say "thank goodness," I mean, "Thank You, Lord, for giving us some space to breathe."

That said, my physical breathing was technically a bit impeded this afternoon during my pollen-pungent walk.  And my head ached afterward, and the ache has since increased.  Oh dear, this is quickly becoming a blog about headaches.  What a bore.

In the spirit of full disclosure, the headache (yes, I'm still talking about it) got quite a bit worse after a discussion with one sister about another sister's upcoming wedding.  And then it got worse again reading some messages about other family members' memories of losing my mom this week two years ago.  (Maybe I'll come back and rewrite that sentence when my head quits throbbing.)

So now would probably be a good time to use the "Stop" technique.  Let's try it.

I'M FEELING STRESSED AND ANXIOUS AND RUSHED AND SAD AND I HAVE TO CONTROL EVERYTHING--STOP.  It is almost 9 p.m. on a Monday evening and I have done everything I can do today.  No one in my immediate life is getting married or dying at this moment, and my house is quiet and peaceful, and there's nothing else to figure out right now.

And on that note, goodnight!

P.S. Actually, something unexpected did happen today, but it was good-unexpected, not bad.  My little G went to his dentist appointment and it was discovered that he has two loose teeth!  When did my baby grow up enough to have loose teeth?  He was so excited and could hardly wait to tell Daddy about it.  He hasn't been wiggling them incessantly--unlike his Auntie A when she was a little girl--but he certainly bit into his apple with unabated gusto.  The dentist did mention that braces are certainly in G's future, but that's a tomorrow subject, not a today decision.

And so, I officially end this post with the image of G's ecstatic, I'm-so-grown-up-now smile, and the pleasure that comes with being the mom of a beautiful, growing boy.

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