

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Sweet and Sour, 18 April 2012

Today I'll start with the sour.

I lost one of my mom's rings.  That may not sound terribly significant, but it is to me.  The little gold band that I saw her wear all my life had been a gift from my dad before I was born.  He bought it for her on a bridge over the Arno River in Florence, Italy, when they were newlyweds.  Although it was not monetarily valuable, it was my favorite piece of her jewelry, and my first pick when my sisters and I were going through her jewelry box two years ago.

Yes, I've looked everywhere it could be.  Best guess is that it ended up in my trashcan a few weeks ago, scooped in with a pile of dried-out tissues.  I've had many tears and feelings of guilt today.  The ring is just a thing, yes, but it was a piece of my mom for me, and now I've lost it.


Now, a rapid change of gears to the sweet.

I have a pea!!!  Here it is:

I did not use professional photography equipment.

This is my very first garden, and this is my very first pea pod!  It's a sugar snap pea variety, so no shelling involved.  Can't wait to crunch into the cute little thing.  Dear me, that sounded a little psycho.

The last "sweet" thing I'll mention from today has to do with G's reading.  Due to my cantankerous canker sore, I had to break the bad news to the kids that I wouldn't be able to read to them before bed tonight.  Jay had already left for a rehearsal, so that left just one reader in the house.  After initially balking at the idea, G gave in and Z ran to find a couple books. (I directed him to some easy readers.)  We all cuddled up on the floor as usual and G read our stories.  After the second book he said, "I want to read another one!"  After the third book he said, "I want to read another one!"  I did cut it off at three books, but this all makes me very happy.  I like books.  I think I get it from my mom, who had shelves and shelves--built by my dad--of books.

That's one thing from her I know I won't lose.  :-)

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